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did you look for love

did you find it

if not look again

what did you find


did you find your path to your way to love

can you talk about it

can you make art with it

it may be important later and prior

what can you create with what you learned

what can we create together

who will help you build it

love will

can we find it

you already have it

we do too

when would i be hearing and how can you help?

can we help you look for your way to love

inquiring "why and "why not" need to be avoided

we look for love we do not look for why not no love

love be love cannot not be love be the alpha and the omega

if you couldnt find it look again

maybe you found who you are and who your are not and you love the teaching that could bring. you found love in that. even a moment of love can bring a teaching to help you find your path to your way to your type of love.

thank you for your offer of help i will think about it

i have been planting in your garden tree

i have been planting in your garden rock

i have been planting in your garden wind

i have been planting in your garden bird

i have been planting in your garden Earth

Earth need more tree and i have been planting them 

who will help

I have learned from many teacher 

i have found love in Muhammad

I have found love in Moses

I have found love in Krishna 

I have found love in Zues

I have found love in Hera

I have found love in Cleopatra

I have found love in Amon Ra

I have found love in Siddhartha

I have found love in Apollo 

I have found love in Poseidon

I have found love in Morpheus 

I have found love in Oden

I have found love in Earth

I have found love in Mars

I have found love in moon

I have found love in sun

I have found love in tree

I have found love in rock

I have found love in water

I have found love in Christians

I have found love in Pele 

I found found love in Honey Bee

I have found love in lightning beetle 

I have found love in music 

I have found love in willow tree

I have found love in one and in many.

I have found love in a lot more than i can remember and mention. 

I love cat

I love bird

I love dog

I love humanity

I have a lot more teach to find and learn from

when I am ready. 

Would anyone like to talk about the love they they have learned from the teacher they have found on their journey?

eye left a lot behind to bring you the information

a wonderful loving teacher brought you a loving message from beyond to show you and give all the gift of enternal life through love, and you turn the story into a curse, show depictions of the dead loving teacher, use their name in expressions of hatred as much as in love, tell people they do not have the gift of unlimited life unless they believe what you tell them and do what you tell  them and think how you think, you take their memory and use it for your own gain, you build giant buildings to honor the wording you have made from the message of love, you build great hierchary around the building and teaching you have created, and then you go to war when anyone expresses a difference of opinon. Explain to me how this honors the teachings of the one who brought you the gift of eternal life through love. 

It would be wonderful if we could return to a realm where we greet each like an old friend. The beauty being remembering when you knew them and how you became good friend. 

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