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Flighted Wonder

one tear two tier fall no more for me my love your charriot your wing your flighted wonder forever in my heart

Tuff Needle

We accept each other and the challenge that may bring though we may not agree at every moment we look for love and we find it in...

Tim e Puzz el

Loving memory be returned with emotion and time to learn who i am and who ive been and with my family and all my kin form and function of...

Beyond the Boundary

In preparing for the winter change avian life will fly together and be in airy light one In preparing for the changing tide aquatic life...

Ode to the Box Peddler

That box be built That box be kept do you build that box with no regret you keep your heart from center light and revel in pretend...

Introduction to Travel

Time will Tell Between and among the many realm humor have an expanded and varied view the degree of levity and vexation liken to the...

The Return: Blog2
The Return: Welcome
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