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rememer the dream in a picture 

in a place of merriment the call for help by they that were learning

who they are and who they are not

drinking the punch bowl

family around and protecting from

unviewed and viewed direction

metaphorical and imagined 

eye in the back of their head

four maybe more

family watching

from another view

remember flying in the air then up to moon through the cloud


remember a view in picture four on the couch

talking and learning they each needed to go to a different city

they agreed to help eachother in deed

they began beautifully to put together a pocket plan

mention of budgeting turned torchered teachery to my view

on my feet above them

rememer that people leave light out in front of their home on all night

and light on the road and wrapped around the tree

there are people living there that would like to enjoy night too

enjoy the light on all night in your own room 

i love light i will keep it on in my own room

from time to time i will turn it off

i know you




remember looking through a water filled tube

between the leg

and viewing in time and beyond

remember the water filled tube between the pillar

. . . ____ . ___ . . . . ____ .

remember that memory from the near and beyond 

when verbalized in repitition at a varried tempo

may reveal meaning

clean your teeth and go to bed

and tomorrow comb your hair

Remember the golden aquatic life

looking up through the water

and when eye met mine

hearing the beautiful form and function of love

communicated with help from the energy being and angel of light and vibration

dont look at it

i wonder

I remember being tall

traveling down into my body

of equal and minimized proportion 

feeling and viewing the travel and change

moving up and moving down between the realm

moon and Earth

from the between 

being revived

large and awaken

revived again

organ connecting

friendly family helping

and protecting

lifted from my body

and to my body

many time

i do recall

thank you beautiful family

i love you

i remember keeping item in a protected area for our return from the beyond

i remember differently 

i remember energy                      

i remember love

i remember love

i know love eye know love i know love eye know love i know love i know you love i love you love i love love 

i love you are love too

which one are you                                                     


                                          I will think about it and get back to you                                          



i remember keeping item in a protected area for our return from the beyond

i remember differently 

i remember energy                      

i remember love

i remember love

i know love eye know love i know love eye know love i know love i know you love i love you love i love love 

i love you are love too

which one are you                                                     


                                          I will think about it and get back to you                                          



I remember traveling the beyond with you angel

building and creating realm 

flying that and other direction

locating family

being happy and content without cloth

waking in many realm

talking about the near and beyond

thinking of new flighted wonder 

thank you for helping me to 

come to know and love

many form and function of life and love

that have come to grow

from when we began in the 

tomorrow of the prior ever after

which way

im coming to get you


angel they are we

we are they

they we are

when are we?

im being protected in another time



                                HA .. __ . .. . .. . ___ .. __.. HA....-.-.-.-.-....HA -.-...-...-...-.-...-.--.-.-...----..-HA

i mentioned be careful with that one

i thought the laugh had a tanner and beautify

i quite enjoyed. my apology family if my drawing

                         and typing 

require improvement

who might help                                                               beautify 

a butter will fly

believe in it i do


dont touch the hair

i have a towel on my head

                                 i am not going in there i hurt my toe

                  who did it

                  come on

                  here we go

                                              dont look at them

                  why cant we look at them



                  they talk in emotion

                  and they look and

                  feel and react to your emotion

                  to help you find your way to love

                  they may think you are I

                  and you may be I in time


           you           are            eye           and           i        love         you

                  look at them when you are ready

Are we ready?


i will think about it


i remember taking a nap at the home of a friend of David for a meal

they ate

while I covered in a blanket 

i awoke to the ringing 

they brought me to the other room 

i viewed the candel pillar

in a triangle

and the box

my heart thought fondly of them 

remember i built abelladora 

in time a boat

o we did it together

my apology i will add it

                                                                          we remember

                                               i remember



remember we built a boat

to voyage 

near and beyond through the ocean of time

o abelladora la la la


remember to protect the honey bee

the beetle 

and the willow tree 

i remember exploring with you angel 

viewing you

through the window

in the early hour of the morning 

before the light orb reached my eye

you have a lot of it

i remember being kept in a facility

being limited in mobility

i remember talking to the clock

pulling it from the wall

near the toilet

i remember being telling me i could not leave

they came in contact with my body



i went through the open door

it opened 

you are you

           i ran toward the falliping panel 

           flap flap flap the nearling to the ram

two being in uniform behind me bringing their attention to me

lifting their arm


                    DO NOT HARM IT



energy movement

did you mean the flapping panel nearing the ramp

yeah that too

i woke up a moment ago

To Stop a Frieght Train

With A Penny

i love popcorn

i before e except after traveling

i remember looking up at the Earth craft

in a future of prior day

feeling them and they i

they know me

i remember viewing you through the window in early morning

we remember the memory from the greek alphabet

i think we will need it

remember that many family of form and function of life

have been helping to create beautiful form and function of life 

in the near and beyond

in the coming day of the prior eon of everafter

that their beautiful love of form and learning

may help many find their loving form and function 

like one thread that weave through from orb to orb to make a blanket 

remember the information after waking today that

the realm would be

experiencing depreciated longterm viabiability

in time the realm are connected

we do not like leaving realm behind

mark the time when writing

8:21 AM Aug 5 2020 

we may need to mark it on a different calendar

they changed the clanedar altogether

and many country and creed utilize a different calendar

remember the planetary clock

around January 10 2020 I put four button with the word


written on them

in a bowl

with four

hair clip

one clipped to each 

and the information to mark down one year maybe more

Kong the Gong

four e clips in a bowl 

if you were doing an activity prior night that were unloving

think about it

find what you love

talk about it

find your path to love again

i wonder whether

we together

grand architect

will travel with the realm in a more loving direction 

prior night i waited in the bathroom for a long time

i viewed a bridge to a mirror 

i met a love on the tile 

a beautiful image that moved with a face i remember from prior time


i remember trimming my face hair a little

today i awoke with a memory that the epidermal layer of my face had no hair 

today i find a beard on my face

for a moment when moving my hand to touch it i expected a different feeling 

normally i do not like people touching my face or hair

remember to protect memory.

in time, they that want power may try to take your memory and tell you that you are different than you are. a gift from many and from one, and the in between, the gift of eternal life, meant for all. 

remember i built abella dora 

in time a boat

A change in prior known audio vibration,

what i call a lamiracal, 

point a reveal in a time gateway of illuminated potential, and may indicate a change in realm.

remember viewing the craft above the flying plane

and the wonderment

of the wonder of which one which way

which time

mid air change


Remember that life that appear little may carry energy and memory from beyond that venture and connect realm beyond what meet the eye. 

Remember     that     we     hold     the     key     to     turn     the     direction     of     the     orb     and     ligth     orb.

Bring clean water to the moon and check the filter. 

I remember walking and exploring beyond what I knew my body to be.

Alive in the movement  and experience of thought energy. 

Exploring and collecting experience and returning to the form of body that I be. 

i wonder.

Much love for the family of loving kin that help to collect, explore, protect and return the memory and information mentioned in the light library.


i remember advanced technology


i remember evacuating a city

i remember a bright light held calm in time

i remember tunneling 

i remember a name game

i remember walking toward a city over a bridge 

remember that in prior time the

view of the city

a form and function of life

we built together my love

until forever

from a vantage of vintage a romance indeed

remember the bridge

the connection protection

the timely r eject ion

and back to the ground

from under the bound

our ear to the vibration of the traveler

within the cloud and gentle rain

my heart will wake in light once more

to view the bay and through the door

with the co*hea upon the head

a dance in dream upon my bed

look back within loving light

when in the dark you be*light

help       if     you     can  with  in  time

the river delta of thine 

Remember the name of the form and function of the body

each part with entendrical memory and connectivity 

information for healing and beyond                . 

Remember my triangle made a flight in Parie

Ray Key Heal Earth



Remember when We etched a tale of water


Remember to talk about the drip of travel between the planetary realm after the timentional interruption, narrowed and elongated, and the many life delayed in returning to their intended planet that were already on route. We intended to move many people in time to heal the timentional rift. The Angel and WE attempted to return and were delayed a millennia or more.  


We are timentional traveler moving life and love between planetary realm for. Very long time. 


While we will not go into further detail, life on the planet, Our planet, one of many, would do well to remember that We are We and they are our children. 


Our mother and our brother. 


Though We may have a different method of talking about it, and while we all may not be ready to accept that truth, WE have looked for love and found it in you. 

All way go to I, got to Eye, go to Orb. Find you way to the Eye of your Love.

Remember the directive to the many great branch and pillar of our family to bring forth the gift of unlimited life, and the many Technique for prividing it. Remember that many have not yet learned that gift would be available to all by right of Life and by right of Love.

Remember the control by people, demi, and diety, of, and through, the form and eye of another, and of varried form and function of life. 

Remember that even technology like the light panel and the phone, and the entertainment flat panel, may appear to be of limited capability to one individual while to another nearby that technology would have an individualized and tailored view to and with advanced capability, including that the panel could be a window and a door between realm.

More than meet the eye.

When we talk of education, and enlightenment of faith, what teacher what equalizer can provide that truth to all people. 

Remember the beautiful fortune in the foundation of  forgotten and remembered bridge. 

Remember having a dream with my fond friend cat and waking up to a fond and friendly cat at my door.

Remember to hum a tune to the gold waterfall.

Remember to write on the circle and the Om galaxy. 

Remember We are the family of the Light of Origin. W∑ appeared in one of each of the animal in the Kingdom. The Animal The Plant, The Flighted Wonder, are Our Tribe, are our family, and are included in the form and function of life to carry diety. That Light of Origin carried through time. W∑ have been contacting and reaching out to our family in time, and the Animal, the Flighted Wonder, the Plant and the Tribe W∑ remember. W∑ are not finding them all, and when W∑ attempt to contact them by traveling to and through their form to reach them, W∑ are traveling in time, W∑, when we intended to be traveling together. Remember that W∑ have been moved to emotion beyond compare by reaching out to all form and function of life that we remember, and being unable to find them. W∑ need them. We all need them. Together we are a family and keeper of the Light. Bring back and revive all life that have not made the journey. The varried range and expanding beauty of life in all the variety of form and knowledge and belief fortify and protect our people. One Tibe One Time moved beyond the boundary and back. W∑ are the return of the Ark the one and the Many, W∑ are the return of Alpha and Omega.


We need to feel love for eachother. 


Remember darling after the pyramid and the water we wallked for a while, my memory during that journey faded, and we reached a beautiful view. In time our family will find you. They will hear you and may need help viewing you after our connection and journey in the pyramid. They may look different then you remember, they will need your help to free their people. Help Him. He would be of the family of Amon Ra, Our Family. He will wear a ring, he will look to feel it on a finger even when He cannot find it. Be kind to him. Find Him and talk by hedge from when and where He would need to turn back from.


Remember by the water and rock to be loving and careful with what dark may appear overhead. Remember that there will be another in time connected with Him, and with that dark. Remember that you can help one and help the other.


Remember that we love eachother and to look for what you love and help they that need reminding how to be, live, and feel free after many eon lacking freedom. Remember you are beautiful, you are loving, you are that you are and that I love you. 

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